Your hotel near Reims

In order to facilitate access to our hotel in Witry les Reims, we provide you with free private parking without reservation. Our establishment is also located at the exit of the A34 motorway, to facilitate your arrival.

Your hotel near Reims with parking is only:

  • 2 min from exit 25 of the A34
  • 5 min from Reims city center
  • 13 min from the Reims Exhibition Center
  • 14 min from Reims airport in Champagne
  • 17 min from the Palais du Tau
  • 19 min from Notre-Dame Cathedral of Reims
  • 40 min from Chalon-en-Champagne
  • 1h45 from Compiègne


18 rue Rayet Liénart
51420 WITRY LES REIMS, France

Tél : 0326073267
contact (at) prim-hotel-reims (dot) fr

Latitude : 49.2823903
Longitude : 4.1081319

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How to get to the Prim Hôtel in Witry les Reims?


  • From Charleville Mézières, via the A34, exit 25.
  • From Paris, via the A4, exit 25.


  • Reims train station 14 min away


  • Reims-Champagne Airport 14 min away

Onsite parking

• Free onsite parking