Conditions and useful information

Useful information

Check in

From 16:00 to 20:00

Automatic reception

Check out

to 11:00


Free cancellation until 00:00, 1 day(s) before your arrival

General cancellation policy applicable on all rates, excluding special rates that specify specific cancellation policies


WIFI is available without charge


Breakfast available for 10,00 €


Onsite parking

Free onsite parking


Children stay free in parents' room up to 2 years

Extra beds available on reservation without supplement

Baby cots are available on reservation

People with Disabilities

Number of rooms adapted for disabled people : 4

The establishment is suitable for welcoming people with the following disabilities:

  • People with reduced mobility


Animals are accepted

Animals incur a charge of 6,00 € / animal / night

Accepted payment methods

  • Visa
  • Euro/Mastercard
  • Carte Bleue
  • Espèce
  • Chèque
  • Chèque Vacances
  • Virement bancaire

Tourism tax

0,75 € (per person, per night)

Reception opening hours

The reception is open from 07:00 - 14:00 and 16:00 - 21:00